
ZeroLiquid ETH

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About ZeroLiquid ETH

What is the project about? ZeroLiquid enables users to obtain self repaying, 0% interest loans against their LSD tokens without any risk of liquidation. What makes your project unique? ZeroLiquid uses the yield from LSD tokens (collateral) to self repay the loan. As the loan is paid in a synthetic version of ETH, there is no liquidation risk. History of your project. ZeroLiquid launched on mainnet on 28 August 2023. What’s next for your project? We will be expanding to more networks, supporting more LSD tokens and builidng additional utility on top of the protocol. What can your token be used for? zETH is given to users who take out a loan to provide them with instant liquidity. Holders of zETH can provide liquidity to earn farming rewards.
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